Parashiot 2023-2024

Parasha Acharei Mot – Year 2 – Blood and Life

In the parasha Acharei Mot, portion of the year 2: Blood and Life, we will learn about the importance of respect for Yahweh in offerings and sacrifices. We will read that the Israelites were to make their sacrifices only in the place that Elohim chose, showing obedience and reverence. In addition, Yahweh forbids them to eat blood, explaining that life is in the blood, and this is sacred. By reading this passage, we will understand the importance of following biblical instructions, respecting Elohim’s laws and valuing life as something special and given by Him.

Parasha Tazria / Metzorah – Year 2 – Obedience in Healing

In the parasha Tazria / Metzorah, portion of the year 2: Obedience in Healing, we will see Yahweh’s laws for skin and disease. Elohim taught Moshe (Moses) and Aharon how to identify leprosy, a skin disease, and how affected people should separate themselves so as not to make others sick. We will also see how a priest could declare someone healthy and how that person should make an offering to Yahweh to be welcomed back into the community. We will learn about the importance of cleanliness and following Yahweh’s instructions.

Parasha Shemini – Year 2 – What to Eat According to the Bible?

In the parasha Shemini, portion of the year 2: What to Eat According to the Bible? we will see the instructions given to Aharon and his sons about the consumption of sacred offerings, as well as the importance of following Yahweh’s commands. Then, we will see the details of pure and unclean animals, where we will read about which creatures can be eaten and which should be avoided. In this portion, we will learn about set-apartness, obedience and the distinction between clean and unclean, essential concepts for a life that pleases Elohim.

Parasha Tzav – Year 2 – Set-apartness in Worship

In the parasha Tzav, portion of the year 2: Set-apartness in Worship, we will continue studying the instructions for peace offerings, a type of voluntary sacrifice offered as an expression of gratitude, fulfillment of vows or thanksgiving. We will see how these sacrifices are to be prepared and offered, establishing regulations as to which parts of the animal are to be consumed, burned on the altar, or given to the priests. It also specifies the time limit for consuming the meat of the sacrifice giving us to understand the importance of purity. In the study of this portion we will learn about the relationship between the worshipper, the community and Yahweh Elohim in the context of Israelite worship

Parasha Vayiqra – Year 2 – Offerings and Sacrifices

In the parasha Vayiqra, portion of the year 2: Offerings and Sacrifices, we will see the peace offerings and the sin offering, two key types of sacrifices in the Torah. Leviticus 3 details how the Israelites offered peace offerings, expressing gratitude and communion with Yahweh. The sin sacrifice, a rite to atone for sins inadvertently committed, is described. We will learn about the importance of purity and reconciliation with Elohim, showing how the sacrificial system prefigures the perfect sacrifice of Messiah Yeshua in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament).

Parasha Vayakhel/Pekudei – Year 2 – Tabernacle Lessons

In the parasha Vayakhel/Pekudei, portion of the year 2: Tabernacle Lessons, we will see the construction of the Tabernacle and its elements, where Elohim Himself gave detailed instructions to Moshe (Moses) on how to build a special place where He could be close to His people. Each object that was ordered to be built had a special purpose and signified Yahweh’s presence and glory. We will learn the importance of obeying Yahweh’s instructions and see how He provides a place to be with us.

Parasha Ki Tisa – Year 2 – Who is on Yahweh’s side?

In the parasha Ki Tisa, portion of the year 2: Who is on Yahweh’s side?, we will see the giving of the tablets of the law to Moshe (Moses), however, Moshe gets a great and unpleasant surprise when he descends before the people. Faced with this, Moses intercedes, reminding Yahweh of His promises, who promises to continue guiding them. Finally, Yahweh orders them to leave for the Promised Land, but he will not go with them. Moshe establishes the Tent of Meeting to speak with Yahweh face to face, and the people worship from afar, reminding us that we must maintain set-apartness in our lives and approach His presence with a contrite and humbled heart.

Parasha Tetzaveh – Year 2 – Dedicated for Service

In the parasha Tetzaveh, portion of the year 2: Dedicated for Service, we will see that Yahweh instructs Moshe (Moses) on the making and consecration of the priestly garments and the consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests. In addition, the creation of the mantle of the ephod is detailed, including a border with pomegranates and golden bells. Later, the rituals for consecration are described, in order to ensure the holiness and purity necessary to perform priestly functions in serving Elohim and the people of Israel.

Parasha Terumah – Year 2 – The Tabernacle Design

In the parasha Terumah, portion of the year 2: The Tabernacle Design, we will see the detailed instructions for the construction of the tabernacle, the portable sanctuary for the people of Israel. The specifications for the curtains and tapestries that must cover the Tabernacle are detailed, including the materials, colors and dimensions. In addition, the basis for its structure is established, providing instructions for the realization of the set-apart space and its compartmentalization.

Parasha Mishpatim – Year 2 – Be Righteous as Yahweh!

In the parasha Mishpatim, portion of the year 2: Be Righteous as Yahweh! we will see several commandments given by Elohim at Mount Sinai. We will read some of the laws about the indemnities with which one must make restitution in case of causing harm to our fellow man. Also, we will see some laws about social justice that were dictated in order to maintain order and purity among the people. All these laws show us that Yahweh is an Elohim of justice and that just as He is just, He also wants us to be just like Him.

Parasha Yitro – Year 2 – The Mighty Voice of Yahweh

In the parasha Yitro, portion of the year 2: The Mighty Voice of Yahweh, we will see the children of Israel on Mount Sinai three months after leaving Egypt. Elohim calls Moshe (Moses) to the mountain, revealing to him His covenant with Israel. Then, He orders the people to prepare to receive His law and gives them a very important warning. We will learn about the importance of being set-apart and obedience in the relationship with Yahweh. Elohim calls His people to be consecrated and prepared to receive His commandments.

Parasha B’shalach – Year 2 – The Liberation Song

In the parasha B’shalach, portion of the year 2: The Liberation Song, we will see the song of deliverance pronounced by Moshe (Moses) and the children of Israel. This portion recounts the victory of the Israelites over the Egyptians at the Red Sea. Moshe and the Israelites sing a song of praise to Yahweh for their deliverance. However, they soon face the bitterness of the water of Marah, which Elohim turns sweet. We will learn that Yahweh Elohim promises healing if we obey His statutes.