Welcome To
Beit Sefer
Beit Sefer is Nazarene Israel's project for children, to help educate future generations in the original faith. Beit Sefer is designed to share biblical teachings free of doctrinal error to help the whole family, (especially children), walk in the Original first-century faith kept by Yeshua HaMashiach (Yeshua Messiah) and His disciples.

The Feasts of Yahweh of the First Month – v2.0
On this occasion we bring you the activities of the first month feasts in an expanded version (2.0) so that together with your children, grandchildren and loved ones you can…

The Feasts of Yahweh of the Seventh Month – v2.0
On this occasion we bring you the activities of the Feasts of Yahweh the seventh month feasts in an expanded version (2.0) so that together with your children, grandchildren and…
A Better Choice
That the whole world may know of Israelās true faith in our Father Yahweh in Messiah Yeshua.
For the House of Judah
The elder brother, who is at home. Today it is the present Jewish nation
For the House of Ephraim
The younger brother, which today are the present Christian nations.
For the Unity of All Israel
To become one nation again in the Messiah Yeshua at His return.