Parashiot 2022-2023

Parasha Va’etchanan- 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Va’etchanan, in it we will see: Moshe is not allowed to enter Canaan, Moshe exhorts to obedience, Israel’s experience in Horeb, Warning against idolatry, the cities of refuge east of the Jordan, Moshe recapitulates the promulgation of the law, the ten commandments, the terror of the people, the great commandment, exhortations to obedience and warnings against the idolatry of Canaan.

Parasha Devarim- 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Devarim, in it we will see: Moshe reminds Israel of Yahweh’s promises in Horeb, appointment of judges, mission of the twelve spies, Elohim punishes Israel, the defeat in Hormah, the years in the desert, Israel defeats Sheon and Israel defeats Og king of Bashan.

Parasha Mattot-Massei – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Mattot Massei, in it we will see: The law of vows, Israel’s vengeance against Midian, division of the spoils, Reuben and Gad settling east of the Jordan, Israel’s journeys from Egypt to the Jordan, boundaries and division of Canaan, inheritance of the Levites, cities of refuge and the law of marriage of the heiresses.

Parasha Pinchas – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Pinchas, in it we will see: Israel goes to Baal-peor, census of the people in Moab, census of the tribe of Levy, Caleb and Joshua survive, request of Zelophehad’s daughters, Joshua is appointed as Moshe’s successor and the daily offerings.

Parasha Balak – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Balak, in it we will see: Balak sends for Balaam, the Messenger and Balaam’s donkey, Balaam blesses Israel, Balaam’s prophecy and Israel goes to Baal-peor.

Parasha Chukat – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Chukat, in it we will see: The purification of the unclean, the water from the rock, Edom refuses to give way to Israel, Aaron dies on Mount Hor, the king of Arad attacks Israel, the bronze serpent, the Israelites surround the land of Moab and Israel defeats Sheon.

Parasha Korach – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Korach, in it we will see: The rebellion of Korach, who with a group of Levites challenged the authority of Moshe and Aaron, who exercised leadership over the people of Israel in the wilderness.

Parasha Shelach – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Shelach, in it we will see: Mission of the twelve spies, Israel reveals itself against Yahweh, Yahweh punishes Israel, the defeat at Horma, laws about the offerings, stoning of a Shabbat violator and stripes on the garments.

Parasha Beha’alotcha – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Beha’alotcha, in it we will see: Aaron lights the lamps, consecration of the Levites, Pesach celebration, the cloud over the tabernacle, the silver trumpets, the Israelites leave Sinai, Yahweh sends quails, Miriam and Aaron murmur against Moshe.

Parasha Nasso – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Nasso, in it we will see: Tasks of the Levites, everything unclean is thrown out of the camp, law on restitution, law on jealousy, the vow of the Nazarites, the priestly blessing and offerings for the dedication of the altar.

Parasha Bemidbar – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Bemidbar, in it we will see: Census of Israel at Sinai, appointment of the Levites, camps and heads of the tribes, census and duties of the Levites, ransom of the firstborn and duties of the Levites.

Parasha Bechukotai – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Bechukotai, in it we will see: Blessings of obedience, consequences of disobedience and things consecrated to Elohim.