Parashiot 2022-2023

Parasha Va’era – Year 2 – The Mighty Hand of Yahweh

In the parasha Va’era, portion of the year 2: The Mighty Hand of Yahweh, we will see Moshe (Moses) and Aaron in front of Pharaoh to demand him to let his people go, where the miracle of the rod also takes place. We will also see the first two plagues that struck Egypt: the water turned into blood and the plague of frogs. Throughout this story we will see how Yahweh hardens Pharaoh’s heart in order to allow both the people of Israel and the people of Egypt to see His strong arm and His mighty hand.

Parasha Shemote – Year 2 – Moshe and the Burning Bush

In the parasha Shemote, portion of the year 2: Moshe and the Burning Bush, we will see the call of Moshe (Moses) through a burning bush that was on Mount Horeb. We will also study the detailed instructions that Yahweh gave Moshe to appear before Pharaoh to deliver the people of Israel. In addition, we will see the dialogue that arises between Moshe and Yahweh due to the insecurities and doubts that Moshe presents before Him, finally seeing that Yahweh has a perfect plan for everything and that we must only trust fully in His power.

Parasha Vayechi – Year 2 – Ya’akov blesses his sons

In the parasha Vayechi, portion of the year 2: Ya’akov blesses his sons, we will see the final words of our patriarch Ya’akov before being reunited with his ancestors. In this passage we see the particular blessings that Ya’akov pronounced on each of his sons, where he reflects the strengths and weaknesses of each son, marking their legacy and the role they will play in the history of Israel.

Parasha Vayigash – Year 2 – The long-awaited reunion

In the parasha Vayigash, portion of the year 2: The long-awaited reunion, we will see the story of Ya’akov (Israel) being informed by his sons that Yoseph (Joseph) was still alive, so he immediately decides to set out on a journey to make the long-awaited reunion with his son. In addition, we will read about the details of what Ya’akov took with him and the people who went up with him to Egypt.

Parasha Miketz – Year 2 – The Journey of the Sons of Israel to Yoseph

In the parasha Miketz, portion of the year 2: The Journey of the Sons of Israel to Yoseph, we will see the story of Yoseph (Joseph) in Egypt and the journey of his brothers to get food for their families. In addition, we will read about how Yoseph came to be appointed as administrator over the land of Egypt, entrusting him with the management of storing provisions during the boom years to face the coming shortage. Finally, we will see what Joseph did with his brothers when he recognized them, as he plans to reveal his true identity.

Parasha Vayeshev – Year 2 – Tamar and her Israelite Heritage

In the parasha Vayeshev, portion of the year 2: Tamar and her Israelite Heritage, we will see the story between Yehudah (Judah), the sons of Yehudah and Tamar. This portion teaches us about Yahweh’s justice and faithfulness to commitments, where we can see how selfish decisions and failure to fulfill obligations can lead to adverse consequences. Tamar represents perseverance in the pursuit of justice and the Israelite heritage that has been taken from her. Finally, Yehudah ends up recognizing that Tamar’s righteousness was greater than his, understanding that not obeying Yahweh’s commands brings very sad and serious consequences.

Parasha Vayishelach – Year 2 – An altar of His presence

In the parasha Vayishelach, portion of the year 2, we will see the story between Shechem, Dinah daughter of Ya’akov and Leah, and her brothers Shimon and Levi. In addition, we will see the blessing that Yahweh Elohim gave Ya’akov, along with the change of his name to Israel, reaffirming His promise to multiply his descendants and inherit the land promised to his father Abraham and Isaac.

Parasha Vayetze – Year 2 – Ya’akov’s Prosperity

In the parasha Vayetze, portion of the year 2, we will see the story of the mandrakes found in the field by Reuben and how Yahweh was adding descendants to Yaakov. In addition, we will see how Yahweh prospered Yaakov in spite of the difficulties through dreams in order to bless him. Finally, we will see how Yaakov is visited by a messenger (angel) of Yahweh to tell him to leave Laban and go on a journey with his wives and children.

Parasha Toldot – Year 2 – Reaffirming the Covenant

In the parasha Toldot, portion of the year 2, we will see Yahweh reaffirming His covenant with Abraham that he would be blessed and multiplied upon the earth. In addition, we will see the story of Isaac and Abimelech and, finally, the strategy followed by Rebecca and Yaakov to get Isaac’s blessing.

Parasha Chayei Sarah – Year 2 – Rebeka’s Heart of Solidarity

In the parasha Chayei Sarah, portion of the year 2, after the death of Sarah in the portion of year 1, we will learn about the story of the search for a wife for Isaac where Abraham’s servant swears to him to look for a wife for his son as he has been instructed. In addition, we will see how Rebekah’s heart of solidarity allows her to become a matriarch of the people of Israel.

Parasha Vayeira – Year 2 – Follow the Faith that will Save You

In the parasha Vayeira, portion of the year 2, we will learn about the story of the messengers (angels) sent by Elohim to save Lot from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. We will see how faith placed in the right place leads to the salvation of Lot and his family. In addition, we will see the story between Abraham and Abimelech and how Yahweh saved Sarah from the hands of the king of Gerar, being richly blessed after this.

Parasha Lech Lecha – Year 2 – The Melchisedecian Blessing

In the parasha Lech Lecha, portion of the year 2, we will learn about the story of Abram rescuing Lot from the hands of the kings who took him hostage. In addition, we will see Abram being blessed by the king of Salem, Melchizedek. Also, in this portion we will see the covenant that Yahweh makes with Abram and the vision that was shown to him at nightfall.