
Yahweh calls Samuel

In this lesson we will see the call of Samuel and the message of judgment that Yahweh had for the priest Eli since he did not take care of the correction of his sons, we will also see the hard battle of Israel with the Philistines, where the Philistines defeated and stole the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, and how they suffered plague and death from Yahweh for having committed this act.

Birth of Samuel

In this lesson we will see the miraculous birth of Samuel, since Hannah his mother was barren, she suffered much and prayed much to Yahweh for a son and swore before Yahweh that if she obtained her request she would consecrate her son forever to the service of Elohim in his sanctuary.
Hannah is an example of faith and persistence and Samuel is a child who would have a great purpose in the building of the nation of Israel.

Ruth and Boaz

In this lesson we will see the marriage of Ruth to Boaz; the virtue and fear for Yahweh that Ruth had, made Boaz take notice of her, because of this Ruth was redeemed from her widowhood, giving her and her mother-in-law Noemi a blessing and restitution for their losses, but most importantly, her son Obed would be the one to continue the lineage of the Messiah here on earth.

Ruth and Naomi

In this lesson we will look at Ruth and Naomi, two women who became widows, but stayed together despite difficult circumstances. Ruth the Moabitess, a foreign woman who accepted Elohim and the people of Israel to serve Him and fulfill the purpose for which she was called.

The crime of Benjamin’s children

In this lesson we will see the story of a Levite and his concubine, who suffered the injustice of the children of Benjamin, they had to pay dearly the cost of their sin until they were almost erased as a tribe. This teaches us that our actions, whether good or bad, will always have their reward.

The images and the priest of Micah

In this lesson we will see Micah a man in the mountain of Ephraim who receives in his house a young Levite to be the priest of his house and of his images, we will also see that the sons of Dan take the images of Micah and the Levite and then invade Laish in the region of Sidon to take possession of it since they had no inheritance.

Samson and Delilah

In this lesson we will see Samson beginning the work for which Yahweh had sent him. Samson initiates a great battle with the Philistines, attacking and weakening their armies, we will also see Samson’s downfall because of a woman (Delilah), who deceived him and delivered him to his enemies. This woman would be the end of his existence and ministry.

Samson´s birth

In this lesson we will see that the birth of Samson was a wonderful event, because it was announced by the Messenger of Yahweh, who said that Samson would be the one to liberate Israel from the Philistine oppression and the condition was that the child should consecrate himself to Yahweh, he should not take anything from the vine, nor eat anything unclean and never cut his hair.

Jephthah delivers Israel

In this lesson we will see Jephthah son of Gilead who was rejected by his brothers, but when his brothers the children of Israel saw that they were attacked by the Ammonites, they decided to call Jephthah again, so that he could help them to get rid of their enemies. In the end Yahweh delivers the children of Ammon into the hands of Jephthah and he becomes the Chief of the children of Israel.

Reign of Abimelech

In this lesson we will see the unjust reign of Abimelech son of Gideon, and how Yahweh did justice by putting an end to his life and rule, we will also see that the children of Israel returned to do evil, worshipping other gods and at the same time being oppressed harshly by their enemies, which led them to a sincere repentance and to seek the face of Yahweh again.

Gideon defeats Midian

In this lesson we will see that Gideon and 300 men attack the Midianite camp and capture their kings, thus freeing the children of Israel from the oppression of their enemies.

Gideon’s call

In this lesson we will see that Yahweh calls Gideon to deliver Israel from the oppression of the Midianites, since the people had gone astray again to serve other gods, Gideon proves to be very diligent and faithful in his work.