Parashiot 2022-2023

Parasha Mishpatim – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Mishpatim, in it we will see: Laws about slaves, laws about acts of violence, laws about responsibilities of masters and owners, laws about restitution, humanitarian laws, the three annual feasts, the messenger of Yahweh sent to guide Israel and Moshe and the elders at Mount Sinai.

Parasha Yitro – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Yitro, in it we will see: Yitro visits Moshe, appointment of Judges, Israel at Sinai, The Ten Commandments, the terror of the people.

Parasha B´shalach – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah B’shalach, in it we will see: Consecration of the firstborn, the pillar of cloud and fire, the Israelites cross the Red Sea, song of Moses and Mary, the bitter water of Mara, Yahweh gives manna, water from the rock and war with Amalek.

Parasha Bo – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Bo, in it we will see: The plague of locusts, the plague of darkness, announced the death of the firstborn, Pesach, death of the firstborn, the Israelites leave Mitsrayim (Egypt) and consecration of the firstborn.

Parasha Va’era – 2023

This week we bring the activity of parasha Va’era, in it we will see: Yahweh commissions Moses and Aaron, Aaron’s rod, the plague of blood, the plague of frogs, the plague of lice, the plague of flies, the plague of cattle, the plague of ulcers and the plague of hail.

Parasha Shemote – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Shemote, in it we will see: Affliction of the Israelites in Egypt, birth of Moses, Moses flees Egypt, Moses’ call, Moses returns to Egypt and Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh.

Parasha Vayechi – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parasha Vayechi, in it we will see: Ya’akov blesses Ephraim and Menasheh, Ya’akov’s prophecy about his sons, Ya’akov’s death and burial and Yosef’s death.

Parasha Vayigash – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Vayigash, in it we will see: Yehuda intercedes for Binjamin, Yoseph makes himself known to his brothers and Ya´akov and his family in Egypt.

Parasha Miketz – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah miketz, in it we will see: Yoseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream, Yoseph governor of Egypt, Yoseph’s brothers come for food, Yoseph’s brothers return with Benjamin and Yoseph’s cup.

Parasha Vayeshev – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Vayeshev, in it we will see: Yoseph is sold by his brothers, Yehudah and Tamar, Yoseph and Potiphar’s wife and Yoseph interprets two dreams.

Parasha Vayishelach – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Vayishelach, in it we will see: Ya’akov prepares for the encounter with Esau, Ya’akov fights with the Messenger at Peniel, reconciliation between Ya’akov and Esau, the dishonor of Dinah avenged, Yahweh blesses Ya’akov at Bethel, the death of Rachel, the sons of Ya’akov, death of Isaac and the descendants of Esau.

Parasha Vayetze – 2023

This week we bring the activity of the parashah Vayetze, in it we will see: Elohim appears to Ya´akov at Bethel, Ya´akov serves Lavan for Rachel and Leah, Ya´akov’s sons, Jacob and Laban’s wiles, and Ya´akov flees from Laban.