Samuel judge of Israel

Shabbat Shalom, Nazarene family.

In this lesson we will see Samuel as a judge in Israel and how he called for repentance and to get rid of all the idolatry in Israel, they accepted Samuel’s exhortation with pleasure and put into practice the prophet’s advice, but the people wanted a king and ended up rejecting Yahweh as their legitimate king and changing him for an earthly king and despite Yahweh’s warnings about the bad government of this king, they insisted.

We hope that you, and especially your sons and daughters, will enjoy this activity. For it is through the study of the Scriptures that we can come to understand the love and care that Yahweh has always had for us. And also perceive that He has been taking care of even the smallest detail, so that we can take care and enjoy all that He gives us. That is why it is so important that our children learn and grow up knowing that they are loved by the Creator of all that exists.

