Torah - Teaching

The Torah (תּוֹרָה, literally "teaching")
Is also known as the "Pentateuch", or as the "Five Books of Moses". Printed versions (rather than scrolls) of the Torah are often called Chamisha Chumshei Torah (חמישה חומשי תורה "Five fifth-sections of the Torah") and informally as Chumash.

Book of Torah Name Meaning
B’reisheet (Genesis) “In the beginning”
Shemote (Exodus) “Names”
Vayiqra (Leviticus) “And He [Yahweh] called”
Bemidbar (Numbers) “In the wilderness”
Devarim (Deuteronomy) “[These are] the words”

List of Publications by Torah - Teaching

Moses and Aaron in Egypt

This week we bring the lesson “Moses and Aaron in Egypt”. This week we will learn that pride and arrogance are the product of a hard heart far from Elohim, also that the power of men is limited and subject…

The 10 Plagues of Egypt

This week we bring the lesson “The 10 plagues of Egypt”. This lesson teaches us that Pharaoh’s hardness of heart produced many losses in his nation, but the most difficult was the death of the firstborn.
Meanwhile Israel obeyed…

Israel Leaves Egypt

This week we bring the lesson “Israel leaves Egypt”. This lesson shows us the episode in which Elohim protected Israel from the Egyptian attack with the pillar of fire, while making a way through the Red Sea.

Yahweh Provides in the Desert

This week we bring the lesson “Yahweh provides in the desert”. In this lesson we will witness the wrong attitude of the people of Israel, despite having seen great signs and wonders, for this reason they had to go through…

The 10 Commandments

This week we bring the lesson “The 10 Commandments”. In this lesson we will learn about the 10 Commandments that Yahweh gave to His people and the importance of obeying them in love so that our ways may be prosperous.

The Tabernacle

This week we bring the lesson “The Tabernacle”. In this lesson we will learn about the instructions that Yahweh gave to Israel for the construction of His dwelling place to dwell among them.

The Priests

This week we bring the lesson “The Priests”. In this activity we will learn that Yahweh chooses Aaron as high priest and his sons as priests to serve in the Tabernacle.
We will also see what their holy garments…

The Golden Calf

This week we bring the lesson “The golden calf”. In this lesson we will learn about the episode in which the Israelites made a golden idol, while Moses received the tablets of the testimony in which Yahweh forbids to make…

The Promised Presence of Yahweh

This week we bring the lesson “The Promised Presence of Yahweh”. This lesson teaches us that the people of Israel had to suffer the consequences of misplacing their trust in Yahweh to put it in something abominable to Him.

Renewed Pact

This week we bring the lesson “Renewed Pact”. In this lesson we will see that Moses meets Yahweh again and that He renews His covenant with Israel.

The Sin of Nadab and Abihu

This week we bring the lesson “The sin of Nadab and Abihu”. In this lesson we will see the story of two priests who disregarded Yahweh’s instructions, acted as they wanted and for that reason died, becoming an example that…

Pure and Impure Animals

This week we bring the lesson “Pure and impure animals”. In this lesson we will study the rules that Yahweh gave for the consumption of meat.
There are animals whose meat we should definitely not eat and also the…