The Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem

In this activity, we will learn about the triumphal entry to Jerusalem, where we will see when and how this event occurred, which caused great fervor among the inhabitants and visitors who were in Jerusalem because of an approaching feast. In this lesson we will learn which were the prophecies that spoke of this moment and its implications for that…
Book Name
Mattityahu (Matthew) Luqa (Luke)
Marqaus (Mark) Yochanan (John)
Book Name English
Ma’asei Acts
Shaul (Paul) Letters Messianic
Romim (Romans) Ya’akov (James)
Qorintim Aleph & Bet (1 & 2 Corinthians) Kepha Aleph (1 Peter)
Galatim (Galatians) Kepha Bet (2 Peter)
Ephesim (Ephesians) Yochanan Aleph (1 John)
Philipim (Philippians) Yochanan Bet (2 John)
Qolossim (Colossians) Yochanan Gimel (3 John)
Thessaloniquim Aleph & Bet (1 & 2 Thessalonians) Yehudah (Jude)
Thimotheus Aleph & Bet (1 & 2 Timothy)  
Ivrim (Hebrews)  
Book Name English
Hitgalut Revelation

You can SEE the previous Lessons BELOW:

Yeshua and the sermon on the mount-Part-one

On “Yeshua and the sermon on the mount-Part-one”, Yeshua teaches us that justice, love, patience, peace, humility and mercy are fundamental to please Elohim and obtain eternal life, since everyone who practices these things will be…

Yeshua and Shabbat day

In this lesson “Yeshua and Shabbat day”, we will see the importance of Shabbat, since it is a direct commandment from our Elohim Yahweh, Yeshua said that He was the Adon of Shabbat, for this reason…

Yeshua works healing miracles

Today in “Yeshua works healing miracles”, we will see Yeshua’s power to heal the sick; and just as the paralytic sought and persisted to be healed, so should we seek and be attentive to Yeshua’s words,…

Yeshua preaches with great authority

In this lesson “Yeshua preaches with great authority”, we will see the king’s official when he needed help for his son and Yeshua healing him completely only with his word and the faith of this official,…

Yeshua and the Samaritan woman

At the time of Yeshua the Samaritans were frowned upon by the Jews, because they did not recognize the temple in Jerusalem as a place of worship, although they did keep the Torah, on one occasion…

Yeshua and Nicodemus

Nicodemus was one of the few of the council of elders that believed in Yeshua and he comes to the Master to solve some doubts, here Nicodemus learns about the new birth of the water and…

YeshuaĀ“s disciples

In this lesson we will see how Yeshua chooses His disciples after praying and seeking direction from His Father; all of them put aside their lives to follow the Master and dedicate themselves to bringing the…

Yeshua is tempted by Satan

In this lesson “Yeshua is tempted by Satan”, we will see Yeshua in his trip to the desert where his spiritual strength was tested, the scriptures tell us that Satan came to kill, steal and destroy,…

Yochanan and the immersion of Yeshua

In this lesson “Yochanan and the immersion of Yeshua”, we will see Yochanan the immerser, that man announced by the prophet Isaiah and of whom it was said; “Voice crying in the wilderness, prepare the way…

Yeshua in the temple

In this lesson “Yeshua in the temple”, we will see Yeshua and his family keeping the commandment to go up to Yerushalayim to celebrate the feast of Pesach, on this trip Yeshua gets lost from his…

Yeshua flees to Egypt

In this lesson “Yeshua flees to Egypt”, we will see the dangers that Yeshua and his family had to face and how his flight to Egypt was announced by a messenger of Yahweh, all this to…

The birth of Yeshua

In this lesson “The birth of Yeshua”, we will see the birth of Yeshua the Messiah and how he and his earthly parents; Miriam and Yoseph, were visited by shepherds and wise men who rejoiced and…

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