TheĀ ancient HebrewĀ nounĀ ×ְּש××Ö¹×ØÖø×Ā (besorah) appears to carry the same double meaning as the equivalent Greek word for gospel, used for both a messenger delivering good news and a thanks-offering to a god upon receiving good news. The noun and verb forms are used several times in theĀ Hebrew Bible.
List of books by Besorah – Gospels
Book Name | |
Mattityahu (Matthew) | Luqa (Luke) |
Marqaus (Mark) | Yochanan (John) |
Yeshua is tempted by Satan
In this lesson “Yeshua is tempted by Satan”, we will see Yeshua in his trip to the desert where his spiritual strength was tested, the scriptures tell us that Satan came to kill, steal and destroy, in this occasion heā¦
Yochanan and the immersion of Yeshua
In this lesson “Yochanan and the immersion of Yeshua”, we will see Yochanan the immerser, that man announced by the prophet Isaiah and of whom it was said; “Voice crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Master, makeā¦
Yeshua in the temple
In this lesson “Yeshua in the temple”, we will see Yeshua and his family keeping the commandment to go up to Yerushalayim to celebrate the feast of Pesach, on this trip Yeshua gets lost from his parents and stays inā¦
Yeshua flees to Egypt
In this lesson “Yeshua flees to Egypt”, we will see the dangers that Yeshua and his family had to face and how his flight to Egypt was announced by a messenger of Yahweh, all this to fulfill the purpose andā¦
The birth of Yeshua
In this lesson “The birth of Yeshua”, we will see the birth of Yeshua the Messiah and how he and his earthly parents; Miriam and Yoseph, were visited by shepherds and wise men who rejoiced and blessed Yahweh for theā¦
The birth of Yeshua and John is announced
In this lesson “The birth of Yeshua and John is announced”, we will see the annunciation of Yeshua’s birth and that of John the Baptist; Miriam is chosen by Yahweh to bring to the world the Savior and Messiah Yeshuaā¦
Genealogy of Yeshua
In this lesson we will see the genealogy of Yeshua and how from Adam until the coming of the Messiah Yahweh fulfilled all his purposes for the redemption of man through Yeshua, we will also see the miraculous birth ofā¦