TheĀ ancient HebrewĀ nounĀ ×ְּש××Ö¹×ØÖø×Ā (besorah) appears to carry the same double meaning as the equivalent Greek word for gospel, used for both a messenger delivering good news and a thanks-offering to a god upon receiving good news. The noun and verb forms are used several times in theĀ Hebrew Bible.
List of books by Besorah – Gospels
Book Name | |
Mattityahu (Matthew) | Luqa (Luke) |
Marqaus (Mark) | Yochanan (John) |
List of Publications by Besorah - Gospels
The Last Supper and the Arrest of Yeshua
In this activity, we will learn about The Last Supper and the Arrest of Yeshua, where we will study about the significance of the Last Supper as a key moment of teaching and symbolism, where Yeshua shared important messages withā¦
The Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem
In this activity, we will learn about the triumphal entry to Jerusalem, where we will see when and how this event occurred, which caused great fervor among the inhabitants and visitors who were in Jerusalem because of an approaching feast.ā¦
Yeshua is anointed with fragrant oil
In this activity “Yeshua is anointed with fragrant oil”, we will learn the biblical story of Yeshua being anointed through women who decided to give the best they had to anoint the feet and head of their Master and Messiahā¦
The Transfiguration of Yeshua – The Radiance of Divinity
On this occasion, in “The Transfiguration of Yeshua – The Radiance of Divinity”, we will learn the biblical story of Yeshua taking three disciples to a special place, where something incredible and amazing would happen. Two important people in theā¦
Yeshua Calms the Storm
On this occasion, in “Yeshua Calms the Storm”, we will learn about the biblical story that narrates how Yeshua, in the face of a violent storm at sea, rebukes the winds and the sea, bringing calm. This act demonstrates Hisā¦
Yeshua Multiplies the Loaves and Fishes
On this occasion, in “Yeshua Multiplies the Loaves and Fishes”, we will look at the teaching of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, recounted in the Gospels, which highlights the abundance that arises from faith and generosity. Yeshua, beforeā¦
Yeshua’s Parables – Part 4 – Faithful to Yeshua until the end!
In part four of the Yashua’s Parables we will study the parable of the barren fig tree, the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, the parable of the ten virgins and the parable of the watchman servant, all ofā¦
Yeshua’s Parables – Part Three
On this occasion, we will look at Yeshua’s parables; among them we have: The parable of the wedding banquet, the parable of the unjust judge, the parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the dragnet, all of themā¦
Yeshua’s Parables – Part Two
On this occasion, we will look at Yeshua’s parables; among them we have: The parable of the rich fool, the parable of the whear and the tares, the parable of the good shepherd and the parable of the talents, allā¦
Yeshua’s Parables – Part One
On this occasion we will look at Yeshua’s parables; among them we have: The parable of the sower, the parable of the lost sheep, the parable of the prodigal son and the parable of the good Samaritan, all of themā¦