Parasha Vezot Haberakhah – Year 1 – Moshe and his final blessing
Shabbat Shalom, Nazarene family.
This week we bring the activity of the parashah Vezot Haberakhah, where we will read the specific blessings with which Moshe blessed each of the tribes of Israel before his death and before the people entered the Promised Land. In this study portion we will see the blessings to Reuben, Judah, Levi, Benjamin and Yosef. Moshe’s blessings are a reminder of Yahweh’s commitment to His people and the importance of following His commandments in order to receive blessings.
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 33:1-2
1 Now this is the blessing with which Moshe the man of Elohim blessed the children of Israel before his death.
8 And he said: “Yahweh came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came with ten thousands of saints; From His right hand Came a fiery law for them.
This week corresponds to the reading of the texts:
- Devarim (Deuteronomy) 33:1-17 / 33:18-29 / 34:1-12
- Yehoshua (Joshua) 1:1-9 / 1:10-15 / 1:16-18
- Mattityahu (Matthew) 5 / 6 / 7
Summary of the weekly study, Year one:
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 33:1-17Ā
These verses present Moshe’ last words and blessings over the tribes of Israel before his death. In this passage, Moshe pronounces specific prophecies and promises for each tribe, recognizing their characteristics and destinies. He emphasizes the leadership of Elohim and the faithfulness of the people as the basis for the blessings. Moshe alludes to the power of Yahweh in Israel’s history and the importance of obeying His commandments in order to be blessed. The blessings emphasize protection, leadership, prosperity and the special relationship of each tribe with Yahweh in the Promised Land.
Yehoshua (Joshua) 1:1-9
These verses mark the transition of leadership from Moshe to Yehoshua (Joshua). Yahweh instructs Jehoshua to lead Israel into the Promised Land. He guarantees him success and protection if he obeys His commands. Yehoshua must be strong and courageous, trusting in the divine presence. Elohim reminds Yehoshua that the law of Moshe must not depart from his mouth, and he must meditate on it day and night. The promise is clear: if Yehoshua follows these instructions, he will prosper in all his undertakings. This passage emphasizes the importance of faith, obedience and trust in Yahweh to face challenges.
Mattityahu (Matthew) 5Ā
These verses, known as the Sermon on the Mount, present Yeshua’s fundamental teachings on the morals and ethics of the Kingdom of Elohim. Yeshua proclaims the beatitudes, highlighting humility, compassion and purity of heart as essential virtues. He then challenges traditional interpretations of Jewish law, deepening its moral and spiritual meaning. Yeshua emphasizes the importance of justice, reconciliation and love even towards enemies. He invites His followers to be salt and light in the world, living lives of integrity and love that reflect the glory of Yahweh.
Enjoy this fun activity with the whole family. Inside you will find development questions for the three weekly sections (Torah, Haftarah and Brit Chadashah). While the older ones discuss the questions and their answers, the younger ones can color the picture related to the teaching, solve a maze, find the 7 differences and much more. We encourage you to do it week by week and instill in your children the habit of studying Yahweh’s word as a family.
We hope you and especially your sons and daughters enjoy this effort. For it is through the study of the Scriptures that we can come to understand the love and care that Yahweh has always had for us. And also to perceive that He has been taking care of even the smallest detail, so that we can take care and enjoy all that He gives us. That is why it is so important that our children learn and grow up knowing that they are loved by the Creator of all that exists.